Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Meeting and Captains

This week was a strange week for us at Eastern Baseball. With Sandy striking and many member having to go home, our whole week got messed up. we were supposed to have a team meeting with our coach to dicuss our off-season work out and figure who our captains will be for the upcoming season.

So...since the storm ruined our week, our coach had us fill out a paper. This paper laid out who whould be playing each position and had us vote on captains. So last night, he sent out and e-mail of the captains.

I was excited knowing who the captains are and cannot wait until next week to figure out which captain picked me for their team. The teams are for the off-season.

During the off-season, we have lifting and conditioning. If anyyone doesn't participate, their team has to wake up early for running. Hopefully I am on a team that gets their work done and works hard,